Children’s Hospice South West

Children’s Hospice South West

Children’s Hospice South West was nominated by Bandvulc’s Charity Team as the company’s main charity for 2019 and a number of fundraising activities have taken place during the course of the year. The most recent event has been the CHSW £50 Challenge ‘Get Nifty with your Fifty’. Two Bandvulc teams stepped up to the mark and were each given £50 and 50 days to turn this money into as much as possible! They certainly rose to the challenge achieving a grand total of £2.701.50.


Santa (Arthur Gregg, MD) and Santa’s Little Helper (Graeme Berry, Management Accountant) pictured with Russell Harris, Moulding Operator.


BV Accounts Team raised £1,046.50 with activities such as Indian meal sales, raffle prize draw, ’guess the buttons’ competition, cake, crumble and craft sales. Santa Sweet cones and Hot Chocolate cones also proved  popular items with sales soaring when Santa and his Little Helper paid a visit around the company’s site on to promote sales.


Lisa French (Conti360° Galahad Front Office Team Leader) and Bev White (Conti360° Team Leader – TSU) survive the Firewalk with certificates to prove their great feat.


BV GALAHAD FRONT OFFICE TEAM raised £1,655.00 with an intrepid Firewalk at Kitley House plus one brave person volunteered to have her head shaved!  This raised an incr-head-ible £722.50, more than double her target of £300. Other fundraising activities included closed bid auctions for Turtle Bay Restaurant and Jury’s Inn, cake sales and ‘guess the sweets’.  


Conti360° Galahad Front Office’s Adel Nicholson’s incr-head-ible head shave by Lisa French (Team Leader).


It’s been great to see the results of so many people working together to make as much money as possible for such a worthwhile cause. With £2,908 raised at the Jail & Bail event in March 2019 plus a direct donation at the beginning of the year, Bandvulc is pleased to have donated more than £6,600 to CHSW in the past twelve months. 

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